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It's Debra's birthday! She was born on October 3rd 29 years ago some number of years ago.

Stephen and Mal present her with a gift of business cards, designed by Stephen. The cards have an image of a beach as the background and are much better than her previous business cards.

After that, it's time for cupcakes, which are some combination of vanilla/chocolate cake and vanilla/chocolate frosting.


  • "Oh no, we gave Mal one with the plastic on it!" - Debra (referencing what happened on Steve's birthday)
    • "Yeah Mal, don't eat that." - Stephen
    • "That is dangerous, Mallory." - Debra
    • "Oh, it's a ring!" - Mallory (as she bites the ring)
  • "Dan, do you want chocolate cake with vanilla icing, vanilla cake with chocolate icing, or vanilla-vanilla? ... You have four seconds." - Stephen
    • "Uh... I'll do vanilla with chocolate." - Dan
    • "Wait wait, you say vanilla with chocolate. Do you mean vanilla cake with chocolate or chocolate with vanilla?" - Stephen
    • "Yes." - Dan

