Stephen Wiki

Uncle John (Day 396 - 12 25 10)

Uncle John (Day 396 - 12/15/10)
Date: December 25th, 2010
Running Time: 10:54

Previous Vlog (Day 395) | Next Vlog (Day 397)



  • Dawn's House
  • Mark's Car
  • Retirement Home where Mallory's Grandparents live
  • Mallory's Uncle Paul's House


Stephen, Mallory, Karley and Dawn open gifts at Dawn's house. Stephen, Mallory and Karley then head over to the retirement home where Mallory's grandparents live, and the audience meets the rest of Mallory's family. The gathering is then moved over to Paul's house where the family begins to play Uno. John then tells a story of he and his brothers staying at a nunnery where he plays a joke by pooping in the toilet but not flushing so his brothers would see it. The video ends with John jokingly telling Karley to not leave and then telling her to get out of here.


  • John: "'Monsignor! I didn't know you could do that!'"