Stephen Wiki

Thomas' Favorite Game is Shaq Fu (Day 1609 - 4 21 14)

Thomas' Favorite Game is Shaq Fu (Day 1609 - 4/21/14)
Date: April 21st, 2014
Running Time: 7:35

Previous Vlog (Day 1608) | Next Vlog (Day 1610)



  • Sonic
  • Stephen's parents' house
  • Stephen and Mal's apartment
  • Cracker Barrel


Stephen and Mal meet up with Thomas for lunch at Sonic, then head to Stephen's parents' house. Stephen shows off his Shark MX, which allows you to check your email on your Game Boy. He apparently has a bizarre email in his outbox entitled "Love".

Thomas also brings Stephen and Mal a huge box of retro games, including Shaq Fu (N64), which Stephen does a First20 of. Afterwards, they head to Player's Choice where Thomas trades in some games, then have dinner at Cracker Barrel.


  • Thomas: "You know what I haven't seen in a long time? ...Blood."