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No One Shops at Kmart (Day 1839 - 12 7 14)-0

No One Shops at Kmart (Day 1839 - 12/7/14)
Date: December 7th, 2014
Running Time: 6:39

Previous Vlog (Day 1838) | Next Vlog (Day 1840)



  • Which Wich?
  • Steve's car
  • (A recently closed) Kmart
  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Stephen's parents take Stephen and Mal pre-Christmas shopping, and much to Debra's dismay, Stephen insists that he doesn't need any more new clothes. While out, they come across a Kmart that closed on the same day - the giant "K" is being taken town and hauled away.

Also, Stephen mentions that his parents watched the Demo Fridays for P.T. They are, surprisingly, huge fans of horror and science fiction, and Debra didn't find the game particularly horrifying, unlike Jarrett.
