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Managed & Affiliate (Day 1532 - 2 3 14)

Managed & Affiliate (Day 1532 - 2/3/14)
Date: February 3rd, 2014
Running Time: 7:04



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Stephen opens the vlog by discussing the insane up-and-down weather in town. He talks about the changes in YouTube that were supposed to begin in January, namely the changes to Content ID. Fortunately, very few of Stephen's videos have been successfully flagged by companies, and he has been winning copyright disputes when they have arisen.

There was also supposed to be a new review system where many channels associated with networks would have to have their videos reviewed prior to them being monetized. So far, this has not happened. There might be a shift later on, but as of March 3rd, still no major changes have taken place.


  • Stephen created an entire vlog dedicated to the changes coming to YouTube on Day 1477