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I'm Going to the Doctor (Day 1456 - 11 19 13)

I'm Going to the Doctor (Day 1456 - 11/19/13)
Date: November 19th, 2013
Running Time: 8:25



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment
  • A doctor's office


Stephen is feeling quite tired, since he wasn't able to sleep.  On the plus side, Stephen is going to the doctor to get some health problems checked out.  Now that Mal has a full-time job, he is covered by her health insurance.  After the appointment, Stephen fell asleep at his parents' house and picked up one bicycle to bring back to the apartment.

Back at home, Stephen says that he has been having problems with chest pain over the past few months.  He has since taken baby asprin daily to help quell the pain.  He plans to go for some more tests over the next few weeks, and to make 2014 the "year of health".
