Stephen Wiki

How To Change YouTube Adsense From Individual to Business • 6.25.16

How To Change YouTube Adsense From Individual to Business • 6.25.16
Date: June 25th, 2016
Running Time: 11:28

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  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Stephen gives a tutorial on how to change YouTube Adsense from Individual (SSN) to Business (EIN), for those people who have started up a corporation or LLC and want to route their income on YouTube directly to a business account.

  1. Create a new Google account for the business.
  2. Open a browser and sign in to the YouTube account for the Adsense you want to change.
  3. Go to Monetization > Review, then click "Change".
  4. STOP HERE! For whatever reason, if you try to create a new account at this step, Google isn't happy with it and will keep you signed in to your personal account, which you don't want.
  5. Open up a new tab, go to YouTube, and sign out of YouTube.
  6. In the first tab, sign in using your Google account created in step 1.
  7. Fill in the fields that need to be filled out.
  8. When you get to the step that says "Associate", STOP! Don't click this button right now.
  9. In the second tab (the one you created in step 5), sign in to YouTube using the YouTube account that has the channel you want to change to Business.
  10. Go back to the first tab, and click associate.
  11. Worry for several hours while monetization disappears temporarily.
  12. Wake up in the morning after a restless night of stress, and celebrate once monetization is back up.

It took Stephen several hours to figure out this convoluted process, but once he did, he was able to switch over the account for MalMakes instantly. The sudden lack of monetization on his videos made him sick with worry, but fortunately Adsense for Business was approved quite quickly.
