Stephen Wiki

We Have Run Out of Room (Day 2195 - 11 28 15)

We Have Run Out of Room (Day 2195 - 11/28/15)
Date: November 28th, 2015
Running Time: 6:14

Previous Vlog (Day 2194) | Next Vlog (Day 2196)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Stephen and Mal have run out of room in their spare room. It was originally intended to be a game room, and it served as one for quite a while. But over time they kept collecting more and more games and the room became more of a storage room.

This needs to change. They plan on using this room as a production room in the very near future (for MalMakes). Stephen shows off the room on the vlog so that its "before" and "after" states can be captured for the record.
