Stephen Wiki

Trip Down Memory Lane • 3.20.17

Trip Down Memory Lane • 3.20.17
Date: March 20th, 2017
Running Time: 11:16

Previous Vlog (Day 2672) | Next Vlog (Day 2674)



  • Stephen's parents' house
  • Stephen and Mal's house


It's Stephen's birthday! Stephen, Mallory, Lindsey, and Dan are over at his parents' house to celebrate his birthday. After they eat pizza for dinner, they sing him "Happy Birthday", and then Stephen almost burns his face while trying to blow out his candles. Mal tells him that his cake is a rainbow chip funfetti cake, which has frosting that tastes like Dunkaroos frosting.

Some time later, Stephen opens up his present from his parents, which his mom described as a "trip down memory lane". It turns out that his present consists of all the candies and snacks he ate while growing up, and he comments on most of them as he pulls them out of the bag.

Back at their house, Mallory hastily gives her Ocarina of Time painting a second coat of varnish outside the house and comes back in. Stephen comments that it probably sounds like graffiti to their neighbors. She then explains that she usually gives her painting two coats of varnish and that her last can of varnish ran out the moment she finished the first coat, so she had to overnight order varnish.

Stephen then talks about how his birthday was enjoyable and relaxing, even though his mom wanted him to go out and eat food. He also mentions that when they got back, he and Dan recorded Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for First20, and how it was harder than he expected.

Before ending the vlog, Stephen thanks everyone for wishing him a happy birthday on social media and that he really appreciates it.


  • "I've never been that close to a fire, I actively felt my contact melting into my eyeball." - Stephen
  • "I've only spent 90 minutes in the bathroom today, it's not enough!" - Stephen (about drinking coffee)


  • This vlog day is Stephen's 28th birthday.
  • This is a list of all the various candies and snacks Stephen received:
    • Barnum's Animals Crackers
    • Runts
    • Gummy Worms
    • Swedish Fish
    • SweeTarts
    • Laffy Taffy
    • Cow Tales
    • Sky Bar
    • Cheez-It
    • Teddy Grahams (Cinnamon)
    • Lance Crackers (Cream Cheese & Chive)
    • Pop-Tarts (Brown Sugar Cinnamon)