Stephen Wiki

The Secret World of Jason's Incredible Dullness (Day 948 - 6 29 12)

The Secret World of Jason's Incredible Dullness (Day 948 - 6/29/12)
Date: June 29th, 2012
Running Time: 11:36

Previous Vlog (Day 947) | Next Vlog (Day 949)



  • Stephen's car
  • Dawn's house
  • Applebee's
  • Fox Valley Thrift Shoppe
  • Tom's
  • Cimarron


Stephen and Mallory drive to Dawn's house in Appleton, Wisconsin and then they eat at Applebee's with Hayley, Nicole, and Lindsey. Stephen buys Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame and they all eat at Tom's. Then Stephen, Mallory, Hayley, Lindsey, and Karley eat at Cimarron and they watch The Secret World of Arrietty. Stephen says that the viewers could talk about The Secret World of Arrietty if they have seen it.
