Stephen Wiki

The Earthbound Hallway • 4.8.17

The Earthbound Hallway • 4.8.17
Date: April 8th, 2017
Running Time: 10:10

Previous Vlog (Day 2691) | Next Vlog (Day 2693)



  • Stephen and Mallory's house


Stephen and Mallory wake up to makes breakfast, and get on the topic of why Stephen makes the eggs most of the time. Stephen thinks it's because Mal trusts him more with the eggs, but Mal says it's because he always insists on making eggs and she lets him.

Some time later, they spend some time enjoying the sight of the wild ducks from the pond in their backyard. Stephen then shows the progress Mallory has made with her Katamari painting, which looks fun and colorful. He has also been feeling good about his own work that he's been getting done.

Returning to the window, he finds that Sagan has spotted the ducks. Later, even after taking a walk around the neighborhood, the ducks were still there with Sagan watching attentively. Anyway, they had a nice walk since the weather is warmer, and Stephen reminisces on how much his neighborhood has changed from when he was growing up there.

Later at night, Stephen and Mallory have recorded some Tabletop Simulator, in which they solved a puzzle and "problematic trouble". Stephen finds that the appeal of Tabletop Simulator is not only the comedy in their group of friends, but also the games they play.

In addition, they took the time to hang up the Earthbound prints by Melissa King they got in their hallway. With all the Earthbound art, their hallway has kinda become "The Earthbound Hallway". Mallory also hung up a Mr. Saturn's Coffee painting that she painted on a record above their stove area. They point out that they moved the deep space picture to the bathroom.

Mallory wasn't able to finish her painting but hopefully it'll be done soon.
