Stephen Wiki

Should You Buy Smash Brothers for the 3DS? (Day 1778 - 10 7 14)

Should You Buy Smash Brothers for the 3DS? (Day 1778 - 10/7/14)
Date: October 7th, 2014
Running Time: 8:01

Previous Vlog (Day 1777) | Next Vlog (Day 1779)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


After spending some time with Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, Stephen and Mal come up with the conclusion that it's worth buying. They really enjoy using custom move sets and playing through Smash Run, but don't enjoy using the 3DS for extended periods of time.

Stephen announces that they will be doing content on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, so he asks the viewers what they would like to see in the playthrough.
