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Pure Filtered Honey • 1.25.17

Pure Filtered Honey • 1.25.17
Date: January 25th, 2017
Running Time: 6:22



  • Fed-Ex carpark
  • McAlister's Deli
  • Stephen and Mal's house


Stephen and Mallory go to Fed-Ex to send off Mal's Shadow of the Colossus painting, and pick up some boxes to pack future paintings as well. Stephen then talks about how they slept later than they should have the previous night, since Mal was working hard at painting, before heading to McAlister's for lunch.

Back at the house, Stephen raves about Dishonored, which he had just finished recording for a First20. He also shows that he has continued to print out game covers using their new printer, and is working on NES and SNES games.

Stephen later expresses his excitement to continue fixing their sleep schedule. However, Stephen then complains about the recording of Dishonored, because the game would stop in the middle of play to continue downloading more content.


  • When Stephen walked out to the kitchen to ask Mal what they were having for dinner, he saw Mal holding a bottle of honey in her hand. Stephen asked her if they were having honey for dinner.
    • Mal replied, "Yes, pure filtered honey".
  • The problems Stephen had recording Dishonored is reminiscent of the time Stephen recorded WATCH_DOGS 2. Stephen talks about his struggles recording WATCH_DOGS 2 in Day 2551.