Stephen Wiki

Pancakes Are Not Soup • 3.31.17

Pancakes Are Not Soup • 3.31.17
Date: March 31st, 2017
Running Time: 5:23

Previous Vlog (Day 2683) | Next Vlog (Day 2685)



  • Stephen's car
  • IHOP
  • Stephen and Mallory's house


Stephen and Mallory have not gone to bed since the last vlog, since they stayed up to get some work done. Since their sleep schedules have been so weird lately, they stop feeling like people... kind of. Stephen decides that it can be fixed by going out to eat, and Mallory wants to eat pancakes, so that's what they do.

Back at the house, they get more work done and then go to bed at about 2pm. They wake up at around 10:30pm, and get some fish and vegetables ready for dinner, which Mal describes as a "staple in the Georg household".

Meanwhile, Stephen talks about their plan to just finish up the little bit of work they need to get done and then go to bed relatively early. Surprisingly, their all-nighter ends up helping them fix their sleep schedule.

Before ending the vlog, Stephen hints at a new feature he's been thinking about lately, but says that he'll talk about it in the next vlog.


  • The reasoning behind the vlog title is that at the time of this vlog, Mallory had recently gotten a root canal and could only eat soft food. Since she had mostly been having soup for food, pancakes were a welcome change.
  • Stephen and Mallory fixed their sleep schedule in a similar way on Day 2623, where they went to back to bed early, even though they had only been up for 6 hours after waking up very late in the day.