Stephen Wiki

Our Stance on Fan Remixes (Day 1944 - 3 22 15)

Our Stance on Fan Remixes (Day 1944 - 3/22/15)
Date: March 22nd, 2015
Running Time: 8:38

Previous Vlog (Day 1943) | Next Vlog (Day 1945)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Stephen takes today to address the idea of fan remixes and videos. He and Mal really enjoy seeing what viewers are able to create using their material, and give full permission to any fans that wish to create content using their videos to upload and monetize it, provided a few conditions are met.

  1. Users shouldn't simply upload full-on vlogs or Let's Play episodes; and
  2. Any favorite moments or compilations of favorite moments from Let's Play videos shouldn't be used, since these are already featured in Memorable Moments.

In other words, if the content in question will not appear of StephenVlog or StephenPlays, it's okay to upload and monetize.

If in doubt (or not), Stephen encourages viewers to contact him via Twitter with any questions and/or fan works.
