Stephen Wiki

Nintendo Creators Program (Day 1892 - 1 29 15)

Nintendo Creators Program (Day 1892 - 1/29/15)
Date: January 29th, 2015
Running Time: 14:26

Previous Vlog (Day 1891) | Next Vlog (Day 1893)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Yesterday, Nintendo released a statement outlining their new revenue sharing program that allows revenue from videos containing Nintendo content to be split between both the content creator and Nintendo. This seems like a shift in attitude for the company that has been fairly militant about their content in the past.

In Stephen's opinion, there is a huge disconnect between Nintendo and the content creators. Very little of the revenue - only 60% - is available for the content creator. There is also a very long (three-day) review period for all videos where they are manually reviewed, which could potentially lead to censorship of some videos. In short, Nintendo seems to be completely out of touch with its audience, and Stephen hopes this changes very soon.
