Stephen Wiki

Kepler is Crazy (Day 1029 - 9 18 12)

Kepler is Crazy (Day 1029 - 9/18/12)
Date: September 18th, 2012
Running Time: 5:58

Previous Vlog (Day 1028) | Next Vlog (Day 1030)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


The vlog begins with Stephen playing with the cats using a measuring tape. Kepler has been a little better today than yesterday, but he often doesn't leave Sagan alone when he doesn't want to play. Stephen also mentions that Kepler went on a bit of a rampage around the house yesterday on account of somehow getting feces on his eye.

On top of the kittens, Stephen is getting a bit stressed with work since they are recording and releasing LP episodes the day before they come out.
