Stephen Wiki

Incredibly Easy (Day 1040 - 9 29 12)

Incredibly Easy (Day 1040 - 9/29/12)
Date: September 29th, 2012
Running Time: 11:21

Previous Vlog (Day 1039) | Next Vlog (Day 1041)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Mal plays with the kittens using a feather they bought a the pet store earlier today. Stephen shows off his purchases from Player's Choice: Nights into Dreams... (SAT) and Streets of Rage 2 (GEN). They both go to Stephen's parents' house for dinner.

Afterwards, Stephen tries to get Hackintosh up and running on his new computer. He somehow manages to get the computer fully functional in about 40 minutes (compared to several days back in 2009). He will spend the next few days gradually making the transition to working exclusively on this new computer.
