Stephen Wiki

A Phone Call That I've Been Waiting On For Three Years (Day 2249 - 1 21 16)

A Phone Call That I've Been Waiting On For Three Years (Day 2249 - 1/21/16)
Date: January 21st, 2016
Running Time: 10:59

Previous Vlog (Day 2248) | Next Vlog (Day 2250)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Earlier today, Stephen received a call from Charlotte. Most of this story is explained on Day 573, but Stephen summarizes the story of how he met Charlotte in this vlog.

On a flight to meet Mallory in person for the first time, Stephen sat next to an elderly woman named Charlotte. Stephen shared his story about meeting and dating Mallory with her, and Charlotte asked Stephen to write her a letter afterwards to see how the story turned out. Stephen did so, and didn't hear anything for about three years.

One day in 2011, Stephen received a letter from Charlotte out of the blue informing him and Mal that she was coming to Myrtle Beach for Christmas. They ended up having lunch with her, and the following year, Stephen wrote her a letter wishing her a Merry Christmas.

Since that Christmas of 2012, Stephen and Mal hadn't heard from her at all. Tonight, Charlotte called Stephen and Mal and they spoke on the phone for a long time, as though they had been friends for a while. Stephen reflects a little bit on their strange, unique relationship and asks the viewers to share similar experiences, if they have any.
