Stephen Wiki

Car on Fire (Day 2059 - 7 15 15)

Car on Fire (Day 2059 - 7/15/15)
Date: July 15th, 2015
Running Time: 6:57

Previous Vlog (Day 2058) | Next Vlog (Day 2060)

The Past Half-Year 11



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment
  • Moe's


In a surprising turn of events, a car owned by one of Stephen and Mal's neighbors catches fire. Fortunately it gets put out before it spreads to any surrounding cars or buildings. After that craziness, Stephen's parents come by to have lunch at Moe's.

To end out the day, Stephen realizes that he might just be able to finish all the work he needs to complete before their trip. He also remembers that he needs to release a half-year video around this time.
