Stephen Wiki

451GB of Footage (Day 2231 - 1 3 16)

451GB of Footage (Day 2231 - 1/3/16)
Date: January 3rd, 2016
Running Time: 4:57

Previous Vlog (Day 2230) | Next Vlog (Day 2232)



  • Jay's Asian Fusion
  • Stephen and Mal's apartment


Mal has to go back to work tomorrow, so it's time for a sushi dinner.

Later, Stephen goes through some of the recorded video for MalMakes and learns that ten hours of footage works out to around 451GB. That's a lot of footage. Since Mal will be starting to edit episodes of MalMakes soon, they've decided to get her a new 5K iMac. Stephen would like to do the same thing some time in the near future as well, since his Hackintosh is getting a bit too old.
