Stephen Wiki

100,000 Subscribers (Day 2085 - 8 10 15)

100,000 Subscribers (Day 2085 - 8/10/15)
Date: August 10th, 2015
Running Time: 9:16

Previous Vlog (Day 2084) | Next Vlog (Day 2086)



  • Stephen and Mal's apartment
  • Charleston, SC
    • A hotel
    • Charleston Donuts


Stephen and Mal check out of their hotel to return back home, but not before picking up some donuts from a "hipster donut place". After returning home to the apartment, Stephen announces that StephenPlays has finally hit 100,000 subscribers! Giving his massive amounts of thanks, and promising to keep on doing what we they are doing, Stephen and Mal reflect on how many trips they have been on and how many times people have been over, and how it's finally winding down for the year.
